August Congregational Connection

You may have seen the results of the July Food Drive with Volunteer Alexandria. Together we were able to exceed our goal of collecting 30,000 pounds of food for our Alexandria neighbors in need! Thank you to all of the congregations who hosted collected boxes, made contributions of canned food and cooking oil, and spread the word about this drive. Volunteer Alexandria is excited to organize another food drive for ALIVE! next year, so stay tuned for more details.

Though the food drive was a success, the need for food assistance doesn’t end. ALIVE! provides basic groceries to roughly 12,000 to 15,000 people each month, and seeks contributions throughout the year to help fight poverty and hunger in the City of Alexandria.

ALIVE! collects food donations at the ALIVE! Food Warehouse (801 South Payne St) on:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9am – 4pm
Thursdays 9am – 7pm
Saturdays 9am – 12pm

Is your congregation planning a food drive? Make sure to let us know so that we can help promote the event, provide materials, and schedule a pickup. We’ve created a new online form to track congregational and community food drive. To learn more about hosting a food drive, donating food, furniture, and household items visit our donations page.

ALIVE! Board Retreat – Sunday, August 27th

Please let us know if you are able to attend the ALIVE! Board Retreat on Sunday, August 27th. This year we will be meeting on the top floor of the Alexandria Renew Building (1800 Limerick Street). This event will begin at 12pm with an option lunch before the main program begins at 1pm. Click here to RSVP

Sunday, August 27th
Noon- Optional Lunch
1pm-3pm- Main Program
Alexandria Renew (1800 Limerick Street)

Special Guests:
Kate Garvey, Director of Department of Community & Human Services
Matthew Gayer, Executive Director, Spur Local, (formerly Catalogue of Philanthropy)

Visitor park is at the lot accessible via Bartholomew St (see below). The Parking Deck is reserved for AlexRenew employees only.

Kebabs for a Cause

Thank you to the Alexandria Bahá’í Community for hosting Kebabs for a Cause on Saturday! It was a great opportunity to raise funds and awareness for the work ALIVE! does to support our Alexandria neighbors in need, and to a connect over a delicious meal.

August Food Assistance Distribution Schedule

Last Saturday Food Distributions
ALIVE! distributes free bags of groceries (produce, chicken, eggs, bread) at three locations one Saturday per month. Proof of Alexandria City residency may be requested.

Saturday, August 26 from 8:30am – 10:30am

Drive-through Pickup Only:
NVCC Alexandria Campus (parking lot B-1 via 5000 Dawes Ave)

Walk-up Pickup Only:
Cora Kelly Elementary School (3600 Commonwealth Ave)
William Ramsay Rec Center (5650 Sanger Ave)

Pop-Up Food Distributions Events
ALIVE! provides food assistance in specific neighborhoods throughout the month with help from our community partners. Proof of Alexandria City residency may be requested.

Thursday, August 10 from 4:30 pm – 6 pm (Volunteers Needed)
Ramsay Rec Center (5650 Sanger Ave)

Thursday, August 17 from 4 pm – 6 pm
Hammond Middle School (4646 Seminary Rd)

Friday, August 18 from 10:30 am – 12 pm
Old Town Community Church (212 S. Washington St)

Saturday, August 19 from 10 am – 12 pm
UNCUT Youth (1501 Cameron St)

Saturday, August 19 from 8 am – 10 am
Fairlington United Methodist Church (3900 King St)

Volunteer at the ALIVE! Food Hubs on the West End and Del Ray
We are seeing a larger number of clients choosing to visit our Food Hubs to pick up the grocery items they need. If you are interested in helping clients select specific items in a mini-grocery store like environment sign up below.

West End Food Hub (510-F South Van Dorn St)
Tuesdays 11am – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Wednesdays 11am – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Thursdays 11am – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Saturdays 10am – 2pm

Del Ray Food Hub (2601 Mount Vernon Ave)
Tuesdays 12pm – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Wednesdays 12pm – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Thursdays 12pm – 6pm (Closed 2pm – 3pm)
Saturdays 10am – 2pm

This is a great activity if you are looking for regular week day volunteer hours, speak languages other than English, want to help re-stock shelves, or are just are excited about helping people find food and other support resources.

Did you know that ALIVE! accepts donations of fresh produce?

If you are harvesting from your garden this summer and discover extra produce consider donating it to ALIVE!’s food program.

Just drop by 801 South Payne St during the hours we are open:
9am – 4pm every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday
9am – 7pm on Thursdays
9am – Noon on Saturdays


Mark Your Calendar for StepALIVE! on October 15th

The 42nd annual StepALIVE! walkathon benefiting ALIVE! will be held on Sunday, October 15th from 1pm-4:30pm. This fundraising event helps to support the work of ALIVE! in providing basic needs to Alexandrians experiencing poverty and hunger.

You can join other supporters in an outdoor kickoff, take a 5 mile or 5k walk through Old Town and back, and celebrate with an outdoor post-walk party. Learn more registering yourself, creating a team for your congregation, and sponsorship opportunities at