Furniture Program

The ALIVE! Furniture Program is re-opened!

ALIVE! volunteers collect donated furniture and deliver these items to City of Alexandria residents every Saturday.

Areas Served

We serve geographic areas and zip codes only in the City of Alexandria. This includes 22301, 22302, 22304, 22305, 22314, 22206 east of I-395, and 22311 and 22312 within the City of Alexandria. Generosity matters to us, but currently, we do not have the ability to pick up in the Alexandria part of Fairfax County or outside the city limits of Alexandria.

How It Works

Our goal is same-day delivery of donated furniture. ALIVE! volunteers pick up donated items that are clean and in good condition on Saturdays from 8 am – 1 pm. Our volunteers exercise extreme care in moving furniture, but they are not professional movers. ALIVE! will be very conscious and careful in delivering furniture to your home.

The ALIVE! Furniture Program is completely managed by volunteers who strive to provide a prompt response, but it may be several days before you are contacted. Our capacity is limited by time, number of volunteers, and need to match donations for the week. Please be patient.

Request Furniture Items

To receive assistance, you must obtain a referral from a City of Alexandria nonprofit, City of Alexandria Department of Community & Human Services (DCHS) at 703-746-5700, an ALIVE! member congregation, government agency, or another social service agency. They will contact us to request furniture for you.

Referring organizations must provide the following information to

  • Referrer’s name
  • Referrer’s organization
  • Referrer’s phone number
  • Client’s name
  • Client’s address
  • Client’s phone number
  • Client’s email
  • A specific list of client’s needs

ALIVE! will add you to our list of needs immediately. However, please remember that our capacity each Saturday is limited by time, number of volunteers, and the availability of items at any given time. Ask your referring organization to follow up with ALIVE! if you have not received furniture after a month.

Get Involved

You can donate items to the ALIVE! furniture program. Click here to read about what items we accept and how the program works. Then, complete this online form to make your donation request.

Volunteer with us! Our furniture program depends on volunteers to pick up and deliver donated items to families in need. Volunteers are needed on many Saturdays from 8 am – 1 pm. Sign up to volunteer today!

Contact Us

For more information, contact the ALIVE! Furniture Program at