ALIVE! Food Distribution Calendar
ALIVE! strives to provide nutritious foods through direct distribution to our clients and by supporting Alexandria’s food pantries, meal kitchens, public schools, recreation centers, and other community partners.
ALIVE! Food Distribution Schedule – June 2022
ALIVE! Food Distribution Calendar – July 2022

Weekend Food Distribution:
ALIVE! distributes bags of food (groceries, produce, chicken, eggs, bread) at 3 sites one Saturday per month in the parking lot at each site. ALIVE! food distributions are for City of Alexandria residents. No is ID required.
Reusable Bags:
Please encourage referrals or clients to bring reusable bags to food distribution events so that ALIVE! can recycle them for future events. All reusable bags are accepted.
Saturday, June 25 from 8:30am – 10:30am
- Cora Kelly Elementary School (3600 Commonwealth Ave)
- NVCC Alexandria Campus (parking lot B-1 via 500 Dawes Ave)
- Cora Kelly Elementary School (3600 Commonwealth Ave)
- William Ramsay Rec Center (5650 Sanger Ave)
Pop-Up Food Distributions:
ALIVE! provides bags of food to specific neighborhoods and apartment buildings, in collaboration with our community partners, in the parking lot at each pop-up location. Drive-through and walk-up service available depending on site.
Friday, June 17 from 10:30am – 12:00pm
Old Town Community Church (212 S. Washington St)
Saturday, June 18 from 8:00am – 10:00am
Fairlington United Methodist Church (3900 King St)
Saturday, June 18 from 10:00am – 12:00pm
UNCUT Youth (1501 Cameron St)
ALIVE! Food Hub:
The ALIVE! Food Hub offers Alexandria residents food, personal items, cleaning supplies, school supplies and connections to information other services.
Located at: 510-F South Van Dorn Street
Hours of operation:
Tuesdays Noon – 6:30pm
Wednesdays Noon – 6:30pm
Thursdays Noon – 6:30pm
Fridays 10:00am – 1:00pm
Saturdays 10:00am – 1:00pm |