Clases gratuitas con Virginia Cooperative Extension durante el mes de Abril

 Si es más fácil para registrarse para una clase, puede llamar a 703-228-6417. Las clases son por Zoom (internet) pero podemos ayudarle a registrar.

CLASSES IN SPANSIH (Clases en Español)

Money Smarts Pay in Spanish (Vale la Pena Ser Money Smart): Lunes 5 de abril, 12 , y 19 de abril desde las 6-8pm

En estas clases virtuales aprenderá: consejos para administrar su dinero, cómo reducir la deuda de la tarjeta de crédito, ahorrar y planificar para emergencias, entender su informe de crédito y puntuación de crédito y más. Estas clases son patrocinadas por voluntarios de finanzas de Virginia Cooperative Extension de Arlington y Alexandria. Una vez que se registre, le enviaremos un enlace para la clase, que va ser enseñada por Zoom. Enrolla aqui:

Consejos para Refrescar su Casa: 29 de abril 6:30-7:30pm ET  

En el verano, un sistema de aire acondicionado puede contribuir a facturas más altas de electricidad. Esta clase enseña los consejos para ahorrar energía y reducir las facturas de electricidad. Registrarse aquí:

Bingo de Energía: 15 de abril, 20 de mayo y 17 de junio 5-6pm

Únase a nosotros para jugar Bingo y aprender sobre como conserva la energía de su casa. Los premios incluyen una tarjeta de regalo Visa de $ 25 y una bombilla LED. Registrarse aquí: 


Demystifying Utility Bills: 6-7pm on Wednesday, April 28. 

የአገልግሎት ክፍያ መጠየቂያ (ቢል) ንባብ ለመረዳት ተቸግረው ያውቁ ይሆን? የኢነርጂ ማስተር የበጎ ፍቃደኛ ሰራተኞች የመብራት(የኤሌክትሪክ) ክፍያ መጠየቂያ ናሙና እያሳዩ ጠቃሚ የሆኑትን እያብራሩ ትኛው ክፍያዎት ላይ የበለጠ ድርሻ እንዳለው ይገነዘቡበታል። በተጨማሪም ከማብራሪያው እንዴት አድርገው

የመብራት (ኤሌክትሪክ) ሃይል እንደሚቆጥቡ ዘዴውን ይገዘነባሉ። 

Register for Amharic class  

FREE Classes in English with Virginia Cooperative Extension in April

These classes are online through Zoom but we can help you register if you call 703-228-6417 or email Aisha at


Money Smarts Pay: Mondays April 5, April 12, April 19 from 6-8pm

A series of 3 classes where we cover topics such as needs and wants, budgeting, goals, credit scores and banking. These classes are great for anyone needing financial assistance in reducing credit card debt, saving and planning for emergencies, understanding your credit report and credit score, and managing your finances. Register HERE

Retirement Planning: Tuesday, April 6 from 6-8pm

Learn about setting goals, spending realities during retirement, and types of retirement income. Register at

Small Steps to Health & Wealth: Thursday, April 8 from 12-1pm.

This class offers 25 strategies for improving both your physical & financial health. Register

Investing Basics: Tuesday, April 13 from 6-8pm.

Learn about setting financial goals, the benefits of saving and investing, and types of investments. Register at

Demystifying Utility Bills: Tuesday April 13 and Tuesday, May 11 from 7:30-8:30pm.

Learn how to read your utility bills, get some energy savings tips, and learn about some local financial assistance programs for utility bills. The presentation will be given in different languages. Register

Energy Bingo: Thursdays from 5 to 6 pm on 4/15, 5/20, 6/17

Join us for free, fun bingo events for the whole family. Get tips to make your home more comfortable and reduce your energy/water bills. Prizes include $25 Visa gift cards and LED light bulbs. Each bingo session will be conducted in English and Spanish. Register

How to Cool Your Home: Tuesday, April 20 6:30-7:30pm

Are your cooling bills high? Learn cheaper alternatives and tips to save on cooling costs. Register

Indoor Air Quality: Thursday, April 22 6:30-7:30pm

Be a smarter renter or homeowner and learn about mold and common indoor pollutants. Register